Printables of charts for kitchen use and planners for budgets, meals and shopping as well as holidays, includes coloring pages for relaxing

Kitchen Charts Printable that help with oven temperatures and food measurements as well as ingredients substitutes and a helpful pray for the kitchen. A Conversion charts for sugar and honey. Download and print.

Planners for the Household that will include the meals planned weekly or monthly as well as the shopping list and of course budget planner. All to download and print.

Coloring Pages for Adults and Kids
Coloring Pages for Adults and Kids. Sets of adult and kids coloring pages to use as therapy and entertainment to print.
Download any printable of your choice and place on your fridge for use while you busy baking. Even a beautiful general recipe page to write down the recipes you find and file them neatly in a folder. All one size. Then to make your life organized is these wonderful and helpful planners for meals. Monthly meal planner for your fridge and week planners. Not to forget the meals for breakfast lunch and supper. Then a planner to list your freezable meals to make in bulk for warming up if you in a hurry. Holidays are not forgotten as well. Lets face it cooks or mothers need a break, so plan ahead and enjoy.
Most important is your budget of all income to balance and provide a balanced life for expenses.
Then added to the printables are the coloring pages for adults and kids. These will provide a relaxing time and its great therapy.
(click on any highlighted heading to view these)